Sunday 21 October 2012

Women's Role

Dear Journal,
        It is a bit strange seeing all these women doing jobs which have been traditionally considered men's jobs.  Hundreds of women have volunteered to work as ambulance drivers or nurses. Such is a necessity however with the high causalities that occur. These nurses and ambulance drivers are needed here. Some women work for the Canadian Air Force as well. Where the help with motor transport work.  Besides the initial thoughts of women working being strange, I am grateful for their help and sacrifices as well. 
       Rose recently sent me a letter explaining that a women's role back home has also increased. With the shortage of men back home, many women have stepped up and are working in industry jobs or in banks. They also take over their husband's farms and manage them single handed. She also tells me how mother has joined in with the suffragette movement. The suffragettes are women who organize themselves to gain the right to vote. So far the Military Voters Act has the federal vote  granted to women helping over seas with the war. I believe their goal is to extend the vote to all women.
       I am worried for Rose. Flying over seas to help with the war effort seems like her kind of thing.  She doesn't realize how dangerous it is. I know father would never allow it and she is too young anyways. I just hope this war is over before she does reach the age to have the opportunity to fly overs seas. 


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