Sunday 21 October 2012


Dear Journal,
       It was on November 11, 1918 when Germany signed the armistice. The war was finally over. I am shocked that I am still alive. Now safely back home with my family it is strange. I had gotten used to life overseas. How much more easier and simpler it is here than life in the trenches. 
      I missed my family dearly over seas. I don't think I realized how much I did until I arrived back home. We are blessed that both Henrik and I were able to return home safely. 
        I work for a factory now. Helping to boost Canada's economy back to it's original state. Although this job is draining and keeps me very occupied. My mind often wanders back to the war. I feel "Survivors Guilt". I often wonder why I survived the war when others haven't. I am happy that I have survived and this makes me guilty.
       Some nights I face nightmares of the terrors of war. The sound of bombs and shrapnel shells. Sometimes I feel as if the aroma of dead bodies and blood really is in my room.  I wake up drenched in sweat, unable to fall asleep again. Thankfully these are not a common occurrence. Thankfully I do not have much shell shock. 
       I met a girl here too. She is very impressed with me going out to war. Her name is Marionette. We plan on getting married real soon. I am excited!
      The war was a life changing experience. Waking up every morning not knowing if I'd live throughout the day was stressful. Making new friends and not seeing them a week later was heartbreaking. Watching Canadians fall down and get slaughtered will be etched in my mind forever. Thinking of forgetting the war seems impossible. 

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