Sunday 21 October 2012

Cost of War

Dear Journal,
          Although the war is over, I am still not home yet. I'm anxious to return home for I've been gone for two years. The letters from home have kept me updated though, on all that has been occurring back home.
          I don't except it to be the same when I return home. How can it be? So many have lost their husbands, brothers and sons. It is difficult to fathom the pain and grief that they are suffering through.
          Mother told of the rations which were brought in. It must have been difficult having the limit on their food but I am grateful that they did otherwise we would have had less over seas. I do hope that it stops soon.
         Father mentions of a new tax, the income tax. It is meant to be mandatory. The war had cost Canada over $1 million a day. This would be hard to earn back, but maybe with the victory bonds, we will be closer. Germany was forced to pay all the reparations, which does seem a bit cruel. However if it'll help with the economy it might seem a bit less cruel.
          Looking at the war politically, it has been beneficial to Canada. We gained independence from Britain. Our bravery during the battles has shown the world that Canada is a brave and independent nation. At the Paris Peace Conferences Canada even had a separate seat from Britain. Along with our autonomy, this war has helped women gain the right to vote as well. I know mother and Rose are happy of this achievement and I can't wait to return home and see their new found happiness!

Price of Victory:
Enlisted595 000
Served overseas418 000
Killed in Action35 666
Died of wounds12 420
Died of disease5 405
Wounded155 799
Prisoners of War3 575
Presumed dead4 671
Deaths in Canada2 221
Total Dead60 383
Population of Canada

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