Sunday 21 October 2012


Dear Journal,
        Today when I walked into the town square the signs again, caught my eyes. Along the streets there was an abundance of posters and signs. You can't even get a break while reading the newspaper even. All questioning my stay here at home. These posters sure know how to reach my heartstrings. I sympathize for those whose families have lost their husbands, fathers and brothers. Yet I also feel ashamed that I am not among those men. A few are questioning my stay at home. Others encouraging to purchase war bonds and few even advising the necessity of rationing.
You can't escape these questioning.          
        The war has now been occurring for two years. Joining the army has crossed my mind several times. Why am I relaxing here at home while men just like me are sacrificing their lives? I certainly am capable to fight for my country. I want to fight for my country. 
        However the thought of going years with out seeing the family is dreadful. I'd like to see young Howard mature into a man. As well as watch Rose fall in love and marry. Heading off to sea might mean I will never see these dreams come true.
        At least father would be extremely proud. Working with the Mayer it would be important for his own son to partake in the war. What a shame it would be if I didn't. I wonder what Henrik is thinking. Hopefully he is okay with my decision of enlisting. Maybe he'll even enlist with me. 
        I have decided though. Tomorrow I will enlist for the army.  My fate has been sealed. I am awaited by glory and sacrifice.


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