Sunday 21 October 2012

Life in the Front Lines

Dear Journal,
          Life in the front lines is an interesting experience. It is not as glorious or adventurous as I had first imagined it to be, but with the right thoughts in mind it can be quite an adventure. There is a rotation set up. We spend four to six days in the front trenches, then four to six days again in the secondary trenches and lastly, four to six days in the reserve trenches. I enjoy this rotation because I'm not constantly stressed. 
          In the front lines every morning we wake up at dawn. During the day there are numerous numbers of chores to be completed. However there is still time for some leisure. When night falls that when we are the busiest. We climb onto no man's land and fix the barbed wire, dig new trenches of patrol the enemies. It is quite dangerous.  
           In the reservation trenches we have time for some leisure. The YMCA hut is where I met most of the men and we become good friends. Also sports is another fun thing to do. Previously I enjoyed hockey, but here we play many games of baseball.
           Although there is some fun many soldiers face low morale and are losing the willingness to fight. Some face shell shock and don't have the mental capability to continue fighting during the war. A few soldiers even cause themselves self harm! Unable to deal with the stress they help themselves with inflicting pain upon them self. I am thankful for the small dose of rum which we receive in the mornings and at night.  It helps keep me safe. It is a funny thought but rum serves as a reward, medicine and combat motivator. 
           My friend Alfred, tells me of the two leaves he's been on. Both were fourteen days. Although he did not get to return home to Canada, he had a great time visiting European cities. His favorite was Paris. I can't wait to go on my leave! 

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