Sunday 21 October 2012

Meeting Arthur Currie

Dear Journal,
       Yesterday I received the great pleasure of meeting Arthur Currie. After our victory at Vimy Ridge, Sir Currie replaced General Byng, and was the first Canadian to command Canadian troops. In my eyes he is a hero! 
        Some of the men while they appreciate his smarts and strategic planning, feel he is lacking charisma and don't like him much. I however am inspired by such a great man. He began as militia officer. He then moved on to command the first Canadian Division. 
           Many men say that due to his careful preparations and willingness to demand more guns before a major attacked saved many's lives. I tend to agree with them. For I first hand saw some of Curries strategic planning during the attack of Vimy Ridge and saw his leadership during the Battle of Passchendale.
          Before attacking Vimy Ridge the manoeuvres were practiced thoroughly. The ridge was bombed continuously for three weeks in order to weaken the Germans. The preparations were made almost to perfection, trying to ensure the safety of as many men as possible.
During the Battle of Passchendale, General Currie's excellence in leading was shown.  He was concerned about the lives of the men and said that the town could not be taken due to the inability of the troops to move through the mud. Although he was overruled and the attack was to commence, we were able to take the town and hold it until reinforcements to come. 
General Currie is a great leader. Meeting and talking with him has been one of the few positive experiences of war. 

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